PERTH MEMBERSFEEDBACK FORM Name OPTIONAL First Name Last Name Email OPTIONAL What was the main reason for joining the Mill? * EXCLUSIVE - NOT JUST ANYONE CAN JOIN UNIQUE SERVICE OFFERING HIGH STANDARDS OF TRAINING I KNOW PEOPLE WHO TRAIN HERE IT'S CLOSE TO HOME OTHER If 'other', please specify. What's the main reason you consider to be important when choosing a training facility? * THE TRAINING PHILOSOPHY AND METHODOLOGY THE EXPERIENCE OF THE TRAINERS THE QUALITY AND TYPE OF EQUIPMENT LOCATION AND ACCESSIBILITY COMMUNITY AND SOCIAL REASONS OTHER IF 'OTHER', PLEASE SPECIFY. What was the main result you were hoping to achieve by joining the Mill? * TRAINING FOR MILITARY/SPECIAL FORCES IMPROVE MENTAL CONDITIONING IMPROVE HEALTH AND FITNESS IMPROVE STRENGTH AND CONDITIONING INJURY REHABILITATION FOR THE SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT OTHER IF 'OTHER', PLEASE SPECIFY. What were your main concerns when you first contacted the Mill? * EG. THAT THE COSTS WERE TOO HIGH; I MAY NOT BE CONSIDERED FOR ENTRY; I MIGHT NOT PASS INITIATION; ... HOW DID YOU FIRST HEAR ABOUT US? * REFERRAL/WORD-OF-MOUTH INTERNET SEARCH NEWSPAPER ARTICLES ONLINE NEWS/SOCIAL MEDIA PASSING BY After joining the Mill, were your expectations and perceptions of what you thought the Mill would be like correct? * Please describe your expectations below. The fees charged by the Mill are reasonable given its unique services. * Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree The Trainers at the Mill are of a standard that I expected. * Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Please add any further Trainer comments below My strength, conditioning and fitness have improved since joining the Mill. * SINCE JOINING THE MILL HAS YOUR OVERALL STRENGTH AND FITNESS IMPROVED? Strongly Disagree Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree Please add any further comments below What do you LIKE in-general about the Mill? * What do you DISLIKE in-general about the Mill? * Do you have any suggestions for improvements at theMill? I give my consent to theMill Team to use excerpts of this feedback form for marketing purposes. * The Mill will not use your name or contact details in the use of this marketing material though it may use your initials only for testimonial content. YES NO Thank you!